I started this little Friday tradition a few weeks ago for the sake of remembering—declaring and
sharing God’s goodness on the journey. I decided I could make small alters out of words and
Instagramed pictures, lest I forget God’s messages, promises, and faithfulness in my life.
In that inaugural Recap Roundup post
I wrote:
" One of the greatest ways we can awaken to wonder is by remembering—
taking time recall the ways God has blessed us, stretched us, reached into our
circumstances and touched our hearts through the meaningful and mundane
dance of daily life.
It’s been less than a month and I have already needed to re-remember, to live these words, to
not downplay or neglect the importance of documenting our days and planting stakes of truth
in the sand. You never know when you’ll need one to lean on.
Here are my stakes in the ground for the week…
Instagram Favorites:
This is the Valentine’s breakfast I almost didn’t make.
You see, last night I planned to bake oversized banana muffins in heart-shaped molds to
surprise the boys with in the morning. But the oldest was such a huge pill at bedtime, getting up
a gazillion times, fussing and wining and threatening my sanity with his overly tired, school
party overly suraged up, bad attitude, that by the time the whole ordeal was done, so was I.
Not only was I not in the muffin-making mood at that point, but I also felt justified aborting my
special breakfast plans by reasoning that the little rascal didn’t deserve it. That throwing socks
at his sleeping brother and a tearful tantrum meant he hadn’t earned a Valentine’s treat.
And while his actions were real and my mama rational valid, I woke up this morning with a
different perspective.
I remembered that the Greatest Act of Love wasn’t done because we deserve it or had
earned it, but because the One who Loves chose to offer grace. Forgiveness. Lavish
That’s the kind of love I want my boys to know. I don’t want them to wake up knowing mom is
still counting their sins against them. I want them to live knowing that I will always choose to
love and forgive them, because that’s what Christ has done for us.
#happyloveday #lessonslurkingeverywhere #becauseHefirstlovedus #blessedtobemama
#merciesneweveryday #frenchtoastgrace
* * *
When I was 14 I wrote a poem for Freshmen English titled “Savor the Time.”… Nearly twenty
years later that refrain is still ringing in my heart. An anthem I want to live.
Because it’s by savoring each moment that we can be most full of thanks, which allows us
to be most satisfied in God.
#savorthetime #momentslikethis #1000gifts #awakentowonder #blessedmama
* * *
He shouted “No fair!” too many times to count before the clock struck 9 am and was a
grumbling ball of complaint for most of the day. He picked on his brother and didn’t pick up his
toys and made me want to pick up and leave for a deep-breathing reprieve.
But then at nap time as I sat on the edge of his bed singing, he reached up and placed his little
hand on my chest and said, “Mommy, I love your heart.”
I’m not even sure what that means to him but to me it meant the world. To me it was grace for a
rough morning poured out in 4-year-old compassion.
I share this now so if there is any other weary mama our there reading these words, you would know
that you are seen. That God knows how hard you work and how fiercely you love even when you just
feel fed up. And it’s okay to cringe in the frustrating moments and still give thanks at the end of the day.
It’s a blessing to be on this journey with our kiddos. And it’s a blessing to be on this journey with you,
precious fellow mama. I see you.
#surprisedbymotherhood #blessedtobemama #1000gifts
* * *
I’ve been reading all week about 21 Brothers who lost their lives for the sake of Christ.
My heart is sick and heavy over this atrocity and the ongoing persecution people of the cross
are suffering all over the world.
Yet the same week that I’ve cried out to God on behalf of grieving wives and children, this same week is
in afternoon light and the unexpected joy of illuminated leaves and puckering lips dripping with sour grass juice.
And if I’m honest? Ever since I pressed publish on that post I’ve felt achingly small. That my words were
frivolous and trite–utterly meaningless–in the midst of such tragedy.
But tonight God whispered back the very words I quoted from the dear Ann Voskamp:
“Looking for the beauty in Christ in the everyday isn’t some quaint exercise in poetry. It’s a
critical exercise in staying alive.”
The Enemy is real and he’s out to take lives. So perhaps something as simple as pursuing beauty
in the everyday ordinary and praising God for His every good and perfect gift is in fact important.
Perhaps it’s actually a very small yet mighty way of fighting the Enemy back by fighting to
live fully alive.Fighting for joy for the sake of Christ.
(Read the whole story here:
http://www.beckykeife.com/the-pursuit-of-beauty/)#The21 #joyfight #peopleofthecross
* * *
Words of Life From Around the Web:the destination isn’t as important as the journey because everyone’s pace and course is God-ordained different.
Well, that’s pretty much the message my heart was aching to hear this week, and in God’s beautiful way, He
flashed that encouragement in the form of a blog post by my friend Jennifer Dukes Lee. Take a few minutes
God also reached into my week through the words of my dear friend Elise Hurd. (Again and again and again.)
So since I clearly can’t pick just one post, all I can say is , please, pour a cup of your favorite steamy drink and
And if all that goodness weren’t enough, I must help launch you into the weekend with this beautiful story from
Terri Lynn Underwood
at Grace Table:
On Making Space…what if we all opened our ordinary lives and made space
to love another like this?
Now It’s Your Turn:
- What moment from the week can you recall and give thanks for?
- Or leave a link to a post that stirred your heart or made you stop and think.
(If you’re reading this in your email,
click here to join the conversation!)
*** Let’s connect on Instagram throughout the week!
Follow me: @beckykeife! ***HAVE A BEAUTIFUL WEEKEND, FRIENDS!