There are certain stories I love to tell again and again.
Like the one about how I didn’t get in to my dream college even though on paper I was the
perfect candidate.
Or the one where I felt stuck in a job that wasn’t my joy for more years than I care to count.
Or the one where the position I longed for slipped through my fingers.
Why? Why would I enjoy
retelling stories of pain and disappointment?Because that’s not where those stories end. They may begin with my pain, but they end with
God’s provision. God’s purpose.
They aren’t tear-jerkers or split-your-side crowd-pleasers. But they are stories that make me
Remember God’s wonders in my life.
It’s so very easy to get caught up in the day to day STUFF. You know how it goes. Breakfast,
lunch, and dinner because your family insists on eating all the time. Dishes, laundry, work,
and church. Diapers, homework, hungry world. That one you love is dying and that friend is
going through that awful thing, barely surviving. You gotta get groceries, gotta pay the bills,
gotta stop and weep for the hurt in your home or around the world. Gotta get some sleep.
Bemoan the lack of sleep.
It’s the stuff of life.
But sometimes all the stuff can SNUFF OUT your life. It can snuff out your joy, your peace,
or maybe your perspective.
So sometimes we have to step away from the stuff that threatens to snuff us out so we can
re-ignite and shed some light on who God is and what He has done.
We have to remember.
When I tell the story of not going to Stanford, I remember that God sees the needs I didn’t
know I had.
I remember that I graduated from a State school debt-free because of a full
academic scholarship and with a heart full of His Word because of the Christian campus
ministry that taught me how to read my Bible, enter into community, and walk with Jesus
When I tell the story of slogging through years as a medical biller, I remember that God
takes care of my future. I remember that He prepared a skill set for me that I would have
never sought after so that when my babies were born I’d have the opportunity to work
part time from home, spending precious years with my boys while helping provide for
my family.
When I tell the story of getting the “We went with another candidate” letter, I remember
God’s faithfulness and perfect timing in all things. I remember how a year later I got a
call back asking if I was still interested because the editorial position was open again,
and this time on a team that was an even better fit.
I will give thanks to the Lord with all my heart; I will tell of all His wonders.
-Psalm 9:1
Looking back and remembering when and how and where and why you saw God’s
fingerprints in your life is one important way to Awaken to Wonder. And when we
tell those stories, it re-strengthens our faith, helps us re-Awaken to who God is
and the wonder-full things He has done.
Wonder. Throughout the month, I’ll be sharing in-the-thick-of-it stories of my messy
motherhood moments and God-growing-me lessons.
→ Next week we’ll focus on how to Awaken to Wonder through CREATION: Looking
at the stories God writes through the world around us.
→ The following week we’ll dig into how we can Awaken to Wonder through THE
WORD: Looking at how the Bible reveals the wonder of God’s character through
The greatest Story on earth.
→ Next we’ll spend a week exploring how to Awaken to Wonder through THANKSGIVING:
Looking at how cultivating a life of gratitude is one crucial avenue to the full life of wonder.
→ Finally, we’ll wrap up the last week of October considering how to Awaken to Wonder
through PERSPECTIVE CHANGING: Looking at how our point of view determines our ability
to live eyes wide open and heart soft to receive God’s daily wonder and grace.
I hope you will join me on this Awaken to Wonder journey…because I need your stories, too.